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Outlook: A few logistics challenges in 2021
A few things we're keeping an eye on this year.
airplanes at an airport

2020 was a bust. It started out with Great Britain leaving the European Union and the longest recovery on record ending in the United States, and went downhill from there. Covid-19 and the ensuing economic shutdowns and consumer behavior shifts conspired to wreak havoc on supply chains.

The good news is that the year is almost over, though 2021 will no doubt come with its own challenges. Here are a few things that we’ve got our eye on as the clock strikes midnight on December 31st:

Vaccine distribution: As political leaders push to reach ‘herd immunity’, the supply chain will be feeling the crunch to move Covid-19 vaccines from all sides. According to Operation Warp Speed officials, it will take 16 million shipments to inoculate the population of the United States alone. Pfizer expects to require 20 flights per day to get the medicine to the rest of the world.

E-Commerce: We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again - studies show that Covid-19 boosted e-commerce growth by years. As consumers gravitate away from storefronts, a record number of businesses have gone online. Of course, all of these online purchases have to get hauled to the consumer’s front door. As carriers attempt to navigate the upsurge in traffic, peak-type rates will likely become the norm.

Visibility: After this crazy year, managers may want to see what’s going on with their supply chain, even more than before. They’ll want delivery dates, in-transit status, shipping information, and even updates on raw materials. (By the way, if you’re looking for a visibility tool, check out DataHub)

Sustainability: An unexpected outgrowth of the coronavirus is renewed focus on the environment. The supply chain isn’t exempt - turns out that moving goods can be a pretty dirty process. Get ready to hear phrases like ‘circular economy’ and ‘sustainable development goals’.

Brexit: The clock is ticking to finish a divorce deal between the United Kingdom and the European Union, before falling back to World Trade Organization-determined tariff levels. As negotiations head into the 11th hour, exporters should brace themselves for chaos.

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